Industrial companies
Pulp and paper production

AF-solutions recycle all production waste, including chemical waste, supplying clean electricity from waste, heat and distilled water back to production. Mineral residues from AF-modules will be used as organo mineral fertilizers.
Pulp and paper production

AF-solutions recycle all production waste, including chemical waste, supplying clean electricity from waste, heat and distilled water back to production. Mineral residues from AF-modules will be used as organo mineral fertilizers.
An example of a process flow diagram for a pulp and paper industry

Our AF-solutions will enable to:

- Reduce carbon footprint
- Eliminate of air and water sanitary problems due to ore mining and tailing dumps
- Obtain a maximum resource potential of the mined ore and non-ferrouse materials
- Obtain concentrate of a whole spectrum of selected ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Get mineral powder as a raw material for the production of construction materials
- Provide related production with green energy

Our AF-solutions will enable to:

- Reduce carbon footprint
- Eliminate of air and water sanitary problems due to ore mining and tailing dumps
- Obtain a maximum resource potential of the mined ore and non-ferrouse materials
- Obtain concentrate of a whole spectrum of selected ferrous and non-ferrous metals
- Get mineral powder as a raw material for the production of construction materials
- Provide related production with green energy
An example of a process flow diagram for a mining and processing plant
Other application areas:

- Chemical industry enterprises
- Metallurgical enterprises
Other application areas:

- Chemical industry enterprises
- Metallurgical enterprises
Torvgaten 7, 4836 Arendal, Norway
Phone: +47 99299583